When to Harvest Sugar Cane from Your Garden

When to Harvest Sugar Cane from Your Garden{

[IMPORTANT: Don't harvest the cane until you are ready to juice it or chew it. The cane has high sugar content and will ferment in a week or two and will not be good to eat or drink.] How do you know when to harvest the sugar cane you are growing in your garden. You can harvest any time, but the la.

When to Harvest Sugar Cane from Your Garden

- You can actually chop up sugarcane and boil it and water for a while and the sugar will dissolve out so you don't have to get one of those complicated presses and whatnot
- You can actually chop up sugarcane and boil it and water for a while and the sugar will dissolve out so you don't have to get one of those complicated presses and whatnot
- You can actually chop up sugarcane and boil it and water for a while and the sugar will dissolve out so you don't have to get one of those complicated presses and whatnot
- It Was. Now i know when to harvest mine.
- Thanks
- straight to the point exactly what i wanted to know thanks man.
- You rock! Just what I needed to know. I swear you look like the guy (Volusia County Facebook) that sold me this thing that is growing out of control. Neighbors keep asking me if it's sugar cane with this shocked that's awesome look. lol
- How long does it take to get to that point? Just a rough estimate like 1 month, 6 months...
- Do sugar cane also give flowers
- thank you, i've been wondering about this! very helpful! ^_^
- Nice, now for some cane wine- then some rum. :-)
- Thanks for the tip. My Cain is over 10 feet tall. I think I might try sum tomorrow.
- How do you get sugar cane stalks to get thicker in diameter? I once saw a black sugar cane variety that was thick like bamboo.