Duration (19m 59s), see for yourself and rate comments.

Wheat: The UNhealthy Whole Grain-Part 1

Your interest: 307529, duration: 19m 59s,interesting: statistic, evaluation: 1120. Comments from you:

- Great sharing the lInk to this video
- Gave up all wear products and lost 30 lbs in four months. Never felt better. Wheat is Posein !!!
- GMO companies and scientists will rot in hell.
- His books are really interesting, also those from Dr. Perlmutter. Now I am trying to follow blood type diet, but can anybody tell me what is the true on some views that red meat is causing cancer to all blood type people, so recommendations to follow blood tape diet for 0 blood type is wrong? Is really the whole grain wheat more healthy than fat meat?
- For what it's worth, my personal experience: between May and December of last year I dropped 35 pounds (as a 235 lb, 57 yr-old guy who should weigh 175 or so) by avoiding all wheat products and white sugar except for Saturday cheat days. Arthritic hips prevent fat-burning exercise and no other dietary/activity changes were made. Haven't weighed myself since December '15, but the belly continues a slow reduction and blood pressure is back to 120/80 range from scary numbers this time last year.. The "gullible minds" critic below has the body and body chemistry I had at 30. The science of insulin-sensitivity and fat-production isn't a two-minute topic, but it is reliably measured and valid.
- A fat man giving advice on health. Worthless pseudo science.
- Can someone tell me when he gets to the point? So I don't have to watch the whole video.
- Been eating whole wheat bread and diary along with everyone else in my family for over a thousand if not thousands of years. Flat stomach with a 4 pack. Only time I've ever developed fat on my stomach is when I eat too much junk food and over-eat until I'm past full.

Wonder if the people who come up with this drivel actually believe what they preach or they're just trying to cash in on gullible minds.
- I always take dietary advice from overweight people, it just makes sense.
- Start making commercials is a very smart suggestion! THE LATE NITE SHOWS/ COMMERCIALS! Great choice on my opinion. Will get the word out to Americans!
- Why would anyone listen to someone clearly overweight? 
- me and and wheat had an official divorce last week....initially out of discomfort that reached a level i couldn't handle anymore, and then i discovered that i was one of the few who woke up from a very bad nightmare caused by a mislabeled poison called wheat.....thanks Dr Davis keep up the good work.
- YOU SHOULD GET IN TV MORE SO PEOPLE START TO LEARN ABOUT HOW THE GOVERNMENT IS KILLING THERE OWN PEOPLE. My brother has it down to the science as well as you do! I will be making some videos to post on here to get more word out to our counrty! Im type 1 diabetic with neroupothy im 28 i know i can get rid of it (neroupothy) and ive seen the change! Im detoxing from wheat right now! This is not a SCAM either lol. I just want drs to go back and learn about wheat there all too money hungry and want to throw you some pills that will kill you just as fast?! WHY?! do your jobs right drs! And actually care about your patience! Which brings me to a question
I personally dont think u can from a wheat free diet.
Type 2 i know you can ger rid of it for a fact! Seen it done alot of times.
Nick Atherton
- Amazing research! Amazing Doctor! Thanks for a great video share.
- Is it just OUR wheat now? Will the heritage wheat do the same thing? Where can we get that flour?
- I guess I'm lucky cause I can eat anything and as much of it as I want and I'm not fat and never get sick. YAY me.
- Gluten is poison. I have ''Celiac disease'' but i don't consider it a disease. My body is just telling me that gluten is poison. For 28 years i took this poison and i could not digest lactose and then fats and i had 1.000.000 allergies and problems like fatigue depression etc. I stopped gluten for months and i feel 10 times better , stronger and healthier.  FUCK GLUTEN
- I don't get it. He's clearly pioneering for a diet free of wheat and advocating that you'd get rid of the fat around the middle, but look at this video! His belly is pushing against the fabric of his shirt! How are we supposed to take his advice seriously?
- Honestly, whenever I eat breads of any kind, I get extremely bloated and it hurts in my stomach and intestines. If I only eat a wheat sandwich alone, my stomach will burn. I didn't know why this happened until I researched it. Apparently, it was literally burning holes in my small intestine. Scary. Steel cut oats from sprouts, I'm able to digest becuase it takes a longer time to digest whereas finely shredded wheat like cheap breads digest too quickly  Now, I,m trying to cut it out for good. Ugh, but flours are used in everything. Same goes for cow's milk.I cut that stuff out for various reasons, but also because of the bloating and because it causes a lot of mucus in the body. I'm feeling better now, but we'll see.
- thank you for shining light and helping the world be a healthier happier place :) much love <3