Wheat School - Real Wheat Farmers - Parkland Farms

Wheat School - Real Wheat Farmers - Parkland Farms{

Here's a new Real Wheat Farmers. On this episode he's joined by Clark Aitken from Parkland Farms..

Wheat School - Real Wheat Farmers - Parkland Farms

- Hi guys wanna learn wheat and soybeans farming...please advise and tutorials will be highly appreciated
- 😭😭Yhyh ur wheat tastes sooooo good😐
- Excellent work 👌🥰
- How do you give water to wheat ?
- its really enjoyable , still watching in December 2020
- Hi would you mind if use a small clip of your video for my video please, thanks
- When you are talking about the Nitrogen strategy involving 140lb/ac is this 140lb of Urea or 140lb of N - i.e. somewhere around 280lb of Urea?
- When you say 180 bushels is to acre or ha? Crop doesn’t look to bad enjoying vids👍
- I wish to make business with you