Duration (6m 15s), see for yourself and rate comments.

Wheat Belly Tips To Get Started | Wheat Belly's Dr. William Davis (Part 10)

Your interest: 4554, duration: 6m 15s,interesting: there are no additional information, evaluation: 42. Comments from you:

- I don't think all the changes in the obesity rate are due to wheat or low fat diets. A lot of it is due to the decline of the traditional values where people ate three meals a day and didn't nosh all the time. I'm not saying that women should go home and cook but society has to be more flexible if families are going to be healthy. Also, a lot of the benefits people say they experience when cutting out wheat may be due to eating less carbs in general.
- I have been doing an elimination diet. I am sensitive to eggs and wheat and dairy. I saw the coconut flour pancakes on your website. Can I replace the eggs with flax seed and water gell?
- Oh hai! Have you heard the talk about - Bekkas Incredible Sugar Detox (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now)? Ive heard some interesting things about it and my friend got cool results with it.