Duration (7m 23s), see for yourself and rate comments.

Wheat Belly: Lose the wheat lose the weight

Your interest: 59691, duration: 7m 23s,interesting: restauracja Puławy, evaluation: 1023. Comments from you:

- This makes a lot of sense. I eat some wheat product and I get super PUFFY. I'm not playing when I say puffy, it's as if I ate a bunch of salt. Today on forward I'm sticking to lean protein, fruits, veggies, and water only.
- How about shredded wheat?
- *SORRY*... In the following comment, please change the word 'CARS' to 'FATS'... Thank you autoword selector !¡!
- In the early 70's I leaned the difference between Protein and Carbohydrates. Protein is for repair and rebuilding muscle and body tissues (basically). Carbohydrates are strictly for fuel consumption. A car needs gas for fuel (carbs).
Excess Carbs are not burned in the body... they are stored as 'Fats'.'
Most 'Food Items' that are man made are of Starches. IE; Chips, crackers, cereal, pretzels, cake, cookies etc.
THINK... How much of your daily diet is compromised of these items?
Folks need to begin to read and study up on what foods are and how they react in their bodies. As stated earlier, it's fairly simple. Proteins vs Carbohydrates... adding Fats (Vegetable or Animal) not included in this issue. I'd say that 'CARS' should be the 2nd area of 'Food Study's that one should then research, to understand.
It all is actually very simple and straightforward information. But, screwed up by big business shooting for bigger profits... by screwing with the genetic makeup of the seeds that the farmers are required to plant and grow, to carry to market and be able to sell. It's all about big bucks.
But, as this moderator said... the human body wasn't designed to digest, assimilate and utilize these foreign forms of 'Food. We weren't built to metabolize fake food.
Forwarded Is Forearmed !!
- male cat
- is oatmeal wheat or made of wheat?
- I think I have a bread addiction I crave it like it's chocolate
- Can you have weatabix
- Eat wheat everyday and I am skinny. This just isn't true for me.
- 'A slice of wholewheat bread has more sugar than a snickers bar'. A slice of bread has about 2g of sugar, a snickers bar has about 20g of sugar, what the hell are you talking about?
- I've been wondering why I can't lose the last 10 pounds...and...bye bye bread! Serisouly! :-)
- When I give up Wheat, and dont eat any sweets, sugar, cakes, cookies, I lose weight, my tummy goes, bloating goes, and I feel terrific, it is very addictive though, and I find myself craving it. If you can get past the craving, you are laughing... just stay away from it, and cereals, pasta, all those things that have wheat, gluten. Best of luck.
- and what about wheat germs is that the same as wheat??
- A couple of things. First, blood sugar levels and insulin levels are not the same thing. You do realize that eating protein releases more insulin than eating high GI foods? In fact, eating any food will result in your body releasing insulin. And the insulin is not a bad thing. Every time you eat food your insulin spikes.

The Glucose Index (GI) has to do with the BLOOD SUGAR levels caused by foods, not the insulin level. Foods with high GI are high in carbs and low in fiber. Wheat when it is not heavily processed, has a lot of fiber and is very nutritious. However, wheat products that have been heavily processed with the fiber stripped out will have a high GI.

"Whole wheat" bread is kind of a farce, the name is misleading. It's still a very heavily processed wheat product with most of the nutritious parts stripped away. What you want to buy is "whole-grain" bread which has a GI of around 50 on average. This is the least processed wheat bread you will find.
- Since i went wheat free I've lost 2kg, cant believe how much better I feel!
- Thanks Ameer well done,, Do you think if a person stops eating wheat, all previous fat stored in the belly will disappear?
- Aaaaah.... gluteo morhin. that explains a lot!
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- Go Keto or Paleo!
- Oh wow, you helped me so out! Thank you so much! ❤