The Human Cost of Sugar Harvesting | National Geographic{

Sugarcane harvesters in Chichigalpa, Nicaragua, have a life expectancy of only 46 years, with many of them dying from chronic kidney disease. Experts think they may have figured out why the workers are being afflicted at such an alarming rate. But the plantation owners have their own ideas about the.

The Human Cost of Sugar Harvesting | National Geographic

- Blame GLYPHOSATE. I have heard that all the cane gets sprayed with Round Up as a dessicant just before harvest.
- Clean Drinking water is 3-4 times more expensive than Gasoline. If These Sugar Cane companies would ask their consumers for .05 cents per # of sugar to provide water and nutrition education for the workers of These Plantations, it would save many lives and Fathers for their Families for years to come.
Kliknij i zobacz sam , widziałem, też się zgadzam, - Wow. Just wow, and people complaining about their lives her ein the US. They do not know the struggle. Im hispanic and am truly blessed to have been born in the US. Where you at least have the opportunity to better yourself financially, some people dont ever get the chance, sometimes multiple geberationa within the same family dont get that chance
- Irl idc
- Its funny just see peoples comments from years when I'm inside my house doing this because of online school
- Its because of the water, they go to the field with that toxic water. <Caused by the fertilizers and herbicide>.
Im a small time sugarcane farmer from the philippines. We dont use herbicide, and i dont recommend my people getting water on pitcher pumps
- I think it must be partly to do with the chemical fertilisers and pesticides, if you must buy sugar buy organic people!
- ashamed of myself that I had no idea about this
- WOW something as simple as dehydration... SMH all they need is water/pedialite/Gatorade and bathroom breaks.... this is sad and ridiculous 😭😭😭💔💔💔
- It's kidney disease, I guess it is from - totally toxic to anything - glyphosate, by which the farm owners try to save the life of the crop against not impossible diiseases of any kind, even fungi. Only resolution: try to re-adopt the old proven cures, in case they do not harm bees! Otherwise you go the way of the bees. Which according to pharaonic Egyptian belief symbolize mankind. As they were tears of the sun that she wept for her loneliness.
- National Geographic needs to start including a transcript in the description or a link to a transcript
- What type of herbacides and pesticides are used?
- i heard history about bloody sugarcane slavery now lone gone left with pain of history but not this another story.
- It's tragic.
- It could be the smoke filled air which affects health
- Someone give these guys a John Deere!
- This is why I am growing it at home :(
- this is horrible
i feel sorry for the poor workers
- Triste historia la de nuestros hermanos del Occidente de #Nicaragua  :(
- Good film