The Fastest Growing Plant I Have Ever Grown | Sorghum Sudangrass Cover Crop{

Sorghum sudangrass is a great warm-season cover crop. It puts out massive amounts of above-ground and below-ground biomass. It also grows VERY fast. It grows fast after cutting so you can graze it or mechanically cut it and use the cut biomass as a mulch or compost feedstock. This is the first c.

The Fastest Growing Plant I Have Ever Grown | Sorghum Sudangrass Cover Crop

- Cost 99.999999999999$/1
- This is brilliant - I was going to use oats which is also very vigorous (its a winter crop) but this has changed my mind. Such a useful video !!!
Moim zdaniem take, siłowniki tłokowe jak uważacie, ja sądze że jest ok. - Where do I get some?
- The COW COLLEGE recommends high grain feed for high producing Dairy Cows. Better than cow corn? The good roots of this compared to cow corn makes it for where little moisture falls possibly. Is it better to let silage corn wither on the stalk and harvest mature to get a better yield? The COW COLLEGE recommended silage and buying grain. No one wants to buy grain.
- we today cultivated 5 canals... for a buffalo and a cow
- Can you feed sorghum to pigs and cattle?
- AND... you can make beer out of the seeds :))
- Can you use the seed as grain for bread making?
- Where to buy this grass seed in small quantity like 1/2 lb? I dont find these grass seeds in home depot or lowes or in any garden centre..
- this BMR sorghum sudangrass you used? mean brown midrib...mygreathanks
- What would be a good spacing recommendation for sorghum sudangrass seed, if planting in rows?
- I planted the similar grass in my back yard. It grows fast even in dry season
- These are an absolute nightmare around here in Texas. Such an overwhelming weed that's tough to pull out once established. I was curious to research best ways to get rid of it, good to see it has some value though!
- Sorghum is a very good grain. You should try making that.
Also when grain is harvested its a very rich dry food source for dairy.
- We use for forage when it gets about head high you can cut and it will regrow. I usually plant in may and usually cut it every 45-60 days
- Sorghum is an awesome hyperaccumulator. If you are not concerned about heavy metals in your soil, instead of chop and drop there is a process by JADAM for making liquid fertilizer from Sorghum you should check out. Great stuff!
- Hi, looking to plant this in but California drought has set in.... I’d like to use this as cover for wetland habitat. Should I plant now or wait until September? I’d like for it to mature by end of October
- A compelling little video, if you're into agriculture as I am. I especially like the gentle nods, here and there, to those forces beyond our control.
- portugal is dotted with wild colonies of sorghum. it feeds the birds, protects the topsoil, casts shade and in case of national emergency, would provide grazing for equines.
- How much water it needs