TF2: The Harvest Hybridknight{

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TF2: The Harvest Hybridknight

- hey tell me . what personality does have fucking HYBRID NIGHT !? ( because i hate hybrid night ) , like Demoman has personality that hes a drunk scotish bomber , and demo - KNIGHT has personality to be proud kight with his sword and shield ( and his shoes ) , AND WHAT DOES HAVE HYBRID-NIGHT ? HE HAS FRICKIN GRANADE LAUNCHER WITH SHIELD AND SWORD ! soo im not mad at you , i just wanna now what PERSONALITY does have HYBRID NIGHT :(
- When the dude with robot voice spokes i was just screaming internally "STOP IT UR NOT SOUNDWAVE FROM TRANSFORMERS!!"
A może i takie? automatyzacja maszyn CNC , można zawsze zdobyć nową wiedzę. - Here's a buff for it if its needed so badly:
- Gain 20% more hp from all healing sources
- A new regen mechanic when not attacking
- Demoknight tf2
- When in doubt, vote brazil and dc
- 8:51 There have, I decapitated someone while he also decapitated me lmao.
- 13:02 how is this even possible
- Ace, you can vote with the comand on the console: " next_vote_map (the number (1,2 or 3)) "
- i do this all the time man
- We need the mug cut
- I have a tip, if map voting is broken put in 'next_map_vote (0,1,2)'
- 0:41 That would make a really good April Fool's video, Ace!
- E
- "There are a lot of very unbarable people on badwater"

R.I.P. Uncle Dane
- god I miss the days of scripters... nowadays its just fucking bots upon bot upon even more fucking bots.
- ''I DIDN'T MEAN TO KILL HIM, HE JUST, walked into my sword.''
- Why can’t we go back to this? Without cheaters
- Oh hey, it's that BlackWing guy.
- harvest is gud demoknight map
- why is it that no matter what i do if i play casual im always on the team that is dominated and can do nothing about it
yet when i play the same map on community its very fun cause the teams are contsantly being switched