Texas Rice Farm 2020: From Planting to Harvest

Texas Rice Farm 2020: From Planting to Harvest{

A fast paced journey of a small rice farm on the Texas Gulf Coast navigating from planting, to flooding, and finally harvest. Robert R Staff Farms navigate unpredictable weather to insure the crop is harvested. Bobby uses timeless equipment, steady determination, and all the great qualities of the .

Texas Rice Farm 2020: From Planting to Harvest

- How to buy rice straw,please
- Im a Filipino, an agriculturist and im always been dreaming of going to other places and country where there are practicing advance farming method, Nice video to share. Thnk you
- Very inspiring ❤️🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾
- Amazing your tecknology farmers
- Excellent 👌🥰
- Yes nice but lots of difference from punjab .. I'm also farmer
- Never realized you had to Harvest it with the Ground so WET !!!!!
- Así da gusto trabajar los mire desde 🇺🇾
- we use to go goose hunting around Nada back in the 50's and 60's I was friends with the Allman family that lived in that area Floyd and Evert . They all have passed away by now but back then Nada and Garwood was the goose capital of the world.
- I grew up in El Campo Texas. We use to go to Nada every Saturday to the Nada community center for dancing back in the early 60's. That was about the only entertainment we had back then. Doubt if they still have those dances. They were always the highlight of our week.
- So it can still be done with out all brand new fancy equipment