Sorghum Farm in Ohio - America's Heartland

Sorghum Farm in Ohio - America's Heartland{

Sorghum is a veteran heartland crop that a lot of urban folks may have heard of but couldn't quite tell you what it is. For more of Episode 318 visit:

Sorghum Farm in Ohio - America's Heartland

- Hi Good day- I am attempting to grown sweet sorghum in the West Indies - Trinidad and Tobago, they were planted in January and now the heads are comming out. From what I can see the sorghum has have seen the rust -puccinia purpurea. But the sorghum on the stalk has a powdery white substance. The florets do not appear to have ergot and do not have the "honeydue", There does not appear to be any downy mildew on the leaves. This is the first time I have ever planted sorghum. Your response will be greatly valued.
- Thank you so much even Wikipedia didn't answer my question the way this video did.
- Born 1959 up the road from Mr. Simon's place but never been to the sorghum festival. Have family and friends who have though, they all say it's fun. I moved away in 1963 to Lucasville, Ohio. Pond Creek will always be home. I now reside in the state of Georgia. Thanks for the video, although it has made me a little home sick !