[Small Millet Farming] Preparing super food after harvest, threshing and cleaning proso millet

[Small Millet Farming] Preparing super food after harvest, threshing and cleaning proso millet{

Harvested in September and dried for one month before threshing. Small scale threshing and cleaning of proso millet..

[Small Millet Farming] Preparing super food after harvest, threshing and cleaning proso millet

- Whereabouts would a person find a machine like that?
- Hi I want to know about the paddle threshing machine? Is it available in India? I have 5 kind of Millets in 8 acres. Foxtail, Little, Barnyard, Kodo and Browntop Millet. Can I use this machine for all above millets?
- Nice! I plan on growing some for myself too 😊