Rolling Meadows Sorghum Harvest - Fall 2017

Rolling Meadows Sorghum Harvest - Fall 2017{


Rolling Meadows Sorghum Harvest - Fall 2017

- Wow I'm just blown away by how you figured all that out to get that done that is just something my dad always said necessity is the mother of invention you do a great job thank you for showing me
- Can you use the pressed stalks for silage or something?
- Thats awesome. I love to see little operations like this. God bless!
- bless ya'll hard working folks . awesome video and guide tour .
- Pressing the leaves is not normally done for quality. They should be stripped before pressing.
- Excellent video!
- Great video, very entertaining.
- Parabéns trabalho.
- I have never seen anything like this. A lot of people see molasses syrup and may not realize that is not sorghum molasses. I grew up having sorghum molasses on biscuits with butter, cane molasses doesn't taste like sorghum molasses. What do you do with the heads. I remember as a boy growing up bicolor sorghum was grown extensively just for the heads, the midget variety and it was used for animal feed. I don't see much of it grown now, we called it Milo back then.
- lol Holy hell, you boys got serious about making some syrup. Very impressive! Bet that's some plenty tasty stuff!
- Seems like you would be losing alot of your crop doing it that way
- Want to come be your intern!
- Great video! Love the process you've crafted.
- I thought you had to strip the leaves of the cane prior to the squeezing the juice out?
- Realy nice farm👍
- Looks great! That is a lot of mechanization!! We still do small batches the old fashioned way ;)
- Sorghum grass and Sudan grass which one good and which one has high protein?
- Wow. You got alot invested.
- Where are you folks located?