RICE HARVEST 2016 in North West ITALY - The Best of RB74ify

RICE HARVEST 2016 in North West ITALY - The Best of RB74ify{

Rice Harvest 2016 in North West Italy: Piemonte and Lombardia regions. In the so-called "Rice Gold Triangle" - Vercelli, Novara, Pavia (Lomellina) districts. Italy is the most important rice-productor country in Europe. The high quality of product is guaranteed by a secular intensive rice-growing. T.

RICE HARVEST 2016 in North West ITALY - The Best of RB74ify

- Hlo sir my dream
- Kaga ada burung di italy mah
- Is Italy the biggest Rice producer in Eu?
- ลงไปใต้
- นครนาเยอะแยะ​
- เมืองไทยล้นสต็อก
- ต้องการทุกประเทศ
- บรรทุกมาสุราษฎร์​
- ขาดไม่ได้แน่นอน
- ขยายนาได้
- จำนำข้าว
- Very good farm
- Do you have small rice harvester machine for the Philippine farmers?
- 👍👍👍🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾
- You guys European eat rice?
- Những cổ máy cắt lúa siêu khủng thu hoạch lúa quá nhanh
- 稻穀💋入倉脫皮叫😍🌹白米。
- I need this
- Wow. Italy is taking farming on par with the Netherlands.
- Awesome mechine