Picking Organic Sweet Corn | Oxbo 2475 corn picker | suiker mais plukken

Picking Organic Sweet Corn | Oxbo 2475 corn picker | suiker mais plukken{

Harvesting organic sweet corn maize using a Oxbo 2475 self propelled harvester equipped with a 6-row 3630F header owned by contractor Breure De Waard from Swifterbant. The corn cobs are loaded directly on trucks which bring them directly to the factory where they are processed and packed within a .

Picking Organic Sweet Corn | Oxbo 2475 corn picker | suiker mais plukken

- Что он собирает???...
- Woohoo
- How silage is picked their after, which is great resource for cattle.
- https://youtu.be/1iYiWUC8PqQ
- I’m only a farming simulator player but I have a question, after the 2 min mark when he’s unloading, is there a reason why they’re making one big pile at one end instead of evenly distributing the corn?
- That sweet corn is not organic as it would be full of worms if it was. These organic farmers lie a lot
- 💥💥💝💝💝💝💝💝✌✌✌✌✌✌👍👍👍👍👍👍
- They put the corn in a dumpster what the heck
- In case you wonder: this is in Swifterband, The Netherlands 🇳🇱🌷🌷🌷🌷
- 3:57 "we bought the whole field, we're gonna use the whole field"
- سبحان الزي سخر لنا هذا وما كنا لهو لمنقلبوان
- https://youtu.be/aIEZ9lsUIx8
- What is that mechine???🤔🤔
- Why so much dislikes ???
- Excellent. Video. Thank. You. For. The. Education. God. Bless
- Great video! And what a machine. Bet that's fun to try to keep working!
- Great video but kinda corny lol 😂
- Nice