Pearl millet sowing to harvest{

Pearl millet is the most drought tolerant warm season coarse grain cereal grown on 26 million ha in some of the harshest semi-arid tropical environments of south Asia and sub-Sahara Africa. India has the largest area (varying between 9-10 million ha) under pearl millet which is at third rank after r.

Pearl millet sowing to harvest

- fuck corn!
więcej macie też i tu szkolenia strzeleckie Lublin jak pomoglem, to spoko. - Just throw the seeds after dipping in mud so the birds don't recognise it as bird seed and then the plant will grow by itself. Provided you feed the birds and make sure you're place is humming with natural bees that carry on the pollination and NEVER spray something as deadly as malathion on the final produce. Indian government is busy killing all life forms with it's deadly pesticide sprays to feed the Oil Producers who are determined to maximise on the by product poisons that come out of petroleum production. That's why Ambani keeps jumping up and down and shouting he is the Richest man in India. He's highly subsidised by the Indian Agricultural department who have Directors cashing in on commissions to sell their poisons. And probably get money from the pharmaceuticals too who also cash in when you are sick eating food sprayed with pesticides.
My pearl barley plants came up on their own while I was feeding my wild birds with it and the pearl barley is packed on the sheafs without all the fuss with wrappings and what not . Don't spray any of your food items. Just feed your wild birds and they will get rid of any insects. A wild bird such as sparrow bulbul or other eats 1000 insects per day and is Nature's best pest control mechanism. When you feed the birds regularly, out of loyalty they will rarely touch your produce. Take care of India and do natural gardening or you will end up with a desert, dead soil that needs endless poisonous chemical inputs and endless problems. Plenty of videos on Youtube teaching you how to grow food naturally, via Permaculture, organic etc.
- amazing plant
- Ur voice is addictive
- Thanks
- good video people still dont no benefit of about this farmer
- please how swoing plant per ha
- nice video thank you
- Awesome! Thank you!
- really interesting