Duration (5m 52s), wypożyczalnia aut dla inwalidów.

Overnight Oats 3 Ways | Quick, Healthy Breakfast Ideas | Healthy Grocery Girl

Your interest: 75434, duration: 5m 52s,interesting: there are no additional information, evaluation: 1488. Comments from you:

- wold it hurt if i use dairy milk my grocery stores don't supply non dairy milk.. If I cold find i would use it though..
- start at 0:53
- wow ! pb and jelly overnight oats look so good! by the way i love peanuts butter!
- Thank you for the recipes, can you tell me which brand is your peanut butter? because I'm looking for organic peanut butter.
- What is the difference between overnight oats and just chia pudding?
- Looks delicious!
- Hi i was just wondering if i could add my instant oatmeal to fresh milk and then mix it together and drink it after that, not waiting overnight?
- These look absolutely amazing!! First video from your channel and I love your style! :)
- thank you for sharing.
- Your oatmeal recipes look delish. Will certainly try the almond one ^-^
- Can you use normal milk???
- Love you homemade jam/jelly recipe. Can frozen fruits be used? Is the water, chia seed amounts the same for all fruit jams? Thank You :)
- So glad I found your site! Your recipes sound amazing. I like all of them! Also plan to make each one. Thank You
- Love ur videos! What blender do you use?
- I have a quick question can u make these to last for each day in the week or does the fruit get soggy
- could we use 16 oz mason jars?
- Cool video but you really need to buy a better mic. It sounds like you're a mile away from the mic when you talk (maybe you're using the built in camera one).
- Yum! I make this but I add 1/2 cup of Greek yogurt to add more protein :) (and I don't use chia seeds because they aren't a usual pantry item for me)
- The fact that she expects people to have vegan and organic ingredients on hand and doesn't say you can use dairy milk irks me. I have to unsubscribe.