Orchard Hill - Horse-powered Organic Farm Part 3 - Growing Cereal Grains

Orchard Hill - Horse-powered Organic Farm Part 3 - Growing Cereal Grains{

Joe visits Ken and Martha Laing on their organic farm in St Thomas, Ontario. This 93 acre farm has been in Martha's family since the 1820's and they took over in 1979. They operated a pick-your-own fruit farm for 17 years. Once they decided to go organic they were not able to make it profitable. .

Orchard Hill - Horse-powered Organic Farm Part 3 - Growing Cereal Grains

- I’m sorry joe, I love the videos and all you do showing off these amazing beasts of burden and I know you’re doing it on a shoestring budget but is it too much to ask to not feel like a 6 year old watching these videos always looking up. Please think about the perspective your lens is capturing.