Oat Harvest 2019 | Schwarz Farms | Manitoba, Canada{

Oats harvest at Schwarz Farms Ltd. in southern Manitoba, Canada on September 15, 2019. MUSIC: JPB - High [NCS Release] http://ncs.io/jpbhigh Ehrling - Dance With Me https://soundcloud.com/ehrling/ehrling-dance-with-me Paradise - Ikson https://soundcloud.com/ikson/paradise-free-download.

Oat Harvest 2019 | Schwarz Farms | Manitoba, Canada

- How many acres does the combine work on?
Moim zdaniem take, opieka nad grobem Majdanek , doczytać i zobaczyć warto. - Why this song is on half of youtube
- Where do you farm in manitoba dude?
- Buen día, disculpen mi atrevimiento, pero me gustaría saber si entre sus contactos que se dedican al Campo, alguno podría ayudarme, estoy pasando por una mala racha que espero en Dios acabe pronto, trabaje en EU en una planta empacadora de Papa, en los últimos Años que estuve allá 2011 y 2014 trabaje en un rancho con relación a la Papa, trabajando la Tierra, un poco de Mantenimiento a la maquinaria, la cosecha y muchas cosas mas, estoy pidiendo una oportunidad para trabajar en Canadá, ya que aquí en México me es difícil desempeñar lo poco que aprendí allá, tengo algunos videos aquí de lo que hacia allá y en mi Facebook, también tengo algunas fotos de lo que hacia, Gracias de antemano, Saludos y hasta pronto.
- Great video, lousy music, I had to mute that crap so I could watch it.
- are these the good apple-cinnamon oats?
- i can't get over how well edited this is! Hope to see you make more videos!
- Brazil.
- hello sir, my name is hemantkumar , do you need farm worker ?. i need a job in your organization farm .please help me for job.
- Notify me if u need combine harvester driver
- german farm?
- Is the oats dust anything like the soy bean dust? Soybean dust tears my allergies up bad
- Great video, but music sucks. Why don't you try putting the music the machinery makes with the pictures of it all at work..That is the real music that should be playing in the background. Sounds of threshing, cutting, turbos winding up, growling of hydrostats.
- What horrible music
- Hi Thomas it's great vid. Glad to see a farmer using CLAAS and Fendt over here. I farm in Saskatchewan near swift current. Glad to be one of your first 150 subscribers. I also work for Claas in winter and we have the new 8700 coming next year in claas colours 😍
- Video great music sucks
- I am also a Schwarz (without the t as well) from southern MN. Wonder if there is any connection. Not many with the same spelling.
- Amazing video! I could watch it forever!
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