NEW FASTEST AUTOMATIC WHEAT FARM Minecraft BEDROCK Tutorial [1.16 & 1.15] - Easy Wheat Farm Tutorial

NEW FASTEST AUTOMATIC WHEAT FARM Minecraft BEDROCK Tutorial [1.16 & 1.15] - Easy Wheat Farm Tutorial{

How to build the Fastest automatic Wheat Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.16 → How to make the FASTEST and EASY Wheat Farm in Minecraft, simple wheat farm 1.16 tutorial This Wheat Farm is CRAZY FAST and so small! More than +15,500 wheat per hour and this farm also works for carrots, potatoes, and be.

NEW FASTEST AUTOMATIC WHEAT FARM Minecraft BEDROCK Tutorial [1.16 & 1.15] - Easy Wheat Farm Tutorial

- Want to have such an amazingly fast wheat farm in Minecraft Java? Watch this video:
Have you seen this latest "X-Ray Vision Glitch Tutorial" for Minecraft Bedrock?
- bedrock is bullshit
- hello
- Thank you I was giving up on it and getting angry
- Too easy
- Does this work in 1.17
- Bhan cho working😀
- Thank you i subscribed and liked
- Guy gets to the point
- Worked well on creative, but not on Realms. Thank you anyway. If you have a special design for Realms hook me up with the link.
- The most time i get seed back
- It works like a charm, and its so easy to get the resources to do this, though bone meal should be farmed, but yeah, this was awesome, thanks!
- The redstone flickers but the piston just won't move back and forth :/
- guys if the piston is not pushing back and forth that means you didnt put tree redstone behind the piston that step is important
- will this work in bedrock?
- OMG 😰😰
- Amazing tutorial
- mine doesn't work :(
- I came here to make my leather farm work and now i have to go somewhere else to get bonemeal farm. 😂😂
What am i doing with my life.