Minecraft Easy Sugarcane Farm! Fully Automatic! 1.16

Minecraft Easy Sugarcane Farm! Fully Automatic! 1.16{

Have you ever found yourself in need of sugarcane, sugar, or paper in 1.16? Interested in how to build a sugarcane farm? This Minecraft sugarcane farm tutorial is the video for you! This is such a popular and old design that I have no clue who originally made it. If anyone knows, please tell me so .

Minecraft Easy Sugarcane Farm! Fully Automatic! 1.16

- instructions unclear i built a gold farm
- ur mom lol
- This is a comment
- It doesn't work
- bro the hopper doesn't even pick up the sugar cane on the hopper
- if you don't have enough gold for the powered rails you can place 3 normal rail and 1 powered ending wiht a powered rail on both sied and you still aclompish the back and forth movement but with less resources... you only need redstone torch under the block where you place the powered rail too
- Why isn't my minecart dropping sugarcane in to the chest?
- Uhm the minecart dont seem to work for me- is it really just normal minecart ?
- Best tutorial I've found on Youtube so far!! Thank you!!!!
- why wont the minecart with the hopper keep moving it just stops
- 1:06
- whats your shader?
- Bro my sugarcane is not growing
- MystyBrainPain
- Can you show build before going through tutorial
- does it work for bamboo too ?
- How dose the minecart go to the hopper without stopping and how do you actually collect the sugar cane tk go in the chest
- how does the suger fall down tho? :)
- There are creepers in my farm ?!?!!