Millennial Farmer Wheat Harvest{

Harvesting Wheat with Randy The Master Pipe Layer. Special Thank You to Our Channel Sponsor Farmers Business Network ►Join FBN with a $100 savings using MF100 discount code: ►Order Millennial Farmer Merchandise: ► .

Millennial Farmer Wheat Harvest

- Yo i want a MPL SHIRT how do i get one?
- 0:29
“how many of these do we want?”
“about, four boxes.”
opens switchblade
Tu też można doczytać rolety zabezpieczające Lublin - chwila czasu ale warto. - Between the rows!!! Stay out of the ditch brother 😎Zach get back to green John Deere green, I will bet you can take him in a race 😎😂🥸
- Randy new Holland looks pretty cool 😎 I just prefer John Deere over it 😤 I love to see 2 guys that had short pants 👖 to school 🏫 to farmers together 🥲
- Thank you mrs Becky for all you do!😎
- Go John Deere frik new Holland only John Deere on good 👍 land 🤪😎
- Way to much fun. 😂
- The precious freckle simultaneously cheer because paul gradually roll over a abortive lemonade. fearful fearless, good onion
- Question, did Randy’s NH come with the hopper cam or did they install it? Asking because I would like to install a cam but there are no tutorials that I can find.
- Hi ihave apivot how i can use fertelizing system?
- This is fun to watch
- I love New Hollands
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- I would like to come work for you for free. Is there an opportunity for someone like me?
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And I use it and it’s fun
- Hay quá a ơi
- Zach “ * flips a knife open* ok” me