Duration (6m 5s), see for yourself and rate comments.


Your interest: 76676, duration: 6m 5s,interesting: http://laweta-lublin.pl/, evaluation: 70. Comments from you:

- lot of corn stalks for the cows,,,
- No mexicans no farmers no food think about it
- Thank you for posting!
- Good work Pete,i LUV it!!
Real nice farm you got friend!!
- great stufff
- Fuck off.
- Mexicans@!
- what do you do with the rest of the plant once you have picked the corn
- Jose' , Pedero, Maria, Santos, & Mr.Beaner XP jk
- Everything said is so true. Americans want a fat paycheck but don't want to work for it. Mexicans will work hard at anything they do.
- I hope someday i will have my own farm like this ^_^
- everyone gives crap about these Mexicans stealing jobs. they're just doing jobs Americans think they're to good for. I happen to know allot of Mexican immigrants in Michigan and they work harder then anyone else I know
- at least the mexicans are willing to work for their money...
- where do you farm?
- 100% mexicanoss
- What cuts the tassels, a sickle.
- @2381067 I would guess Juan, Miguel, & Jose... Nice conveyor system you have there! Hard work, but a little better with that for sure!
- @2381067 It's home made.
- @uberbadnoob6699666 How unexpected ...
- wow what a great educational video, thanks so much!