Louisiana Farm Bureau: Growing Oats

Louisiana Farm Bureau: Growing Oats{


Louisiana Farm Bureau: Growing Oats

- Plankton = Gk wandering
- https://www.organicconsumers.org/news/100-percent-oat-products-tested-positive-glyphosate
- You now guys in my country Eritrea 🇪🇷 this oat plant considers as a prasait of malt crop and non edibl plant
- Wow never knew pats was a plant lol
- Oats are NON GMO and there never has been a GMO oat because there is too little money in it... and the oat genome is 6 and would be astronomically more difficult to genetically engineer than say corn and soy beans were... EAT & GROW OATS...
- Brother, I require your Oats.
- its looks rice plants
- @dragonracer76 JOHNNY SEEDS, IS A GOOd site. cheap too, i believe they are safe.
- @boxa888 getting there... just gotta find seed.
- @dragonracer76 IM ON IT LOL!! hope u are too!!
- better establish your oat crops now before monsanto owns that too...
- go oats!