Duration (7m 43s), see for yourself and rate comments.

Iowa Corn Farmer Confronts Cruz on Farm Subsidies

Your interest: 25542, duration: 7m 43s,interesting: Identyfikacja Wizualna Lublin, evaluation: 128. Comments from you:

- This is why Cruz is better than the rest of the candidates. He actually spent over 7 minutes just talking to one man, sure there were cameras and other people, but the entire time his attention was on the farmer alone and explaining how he believes his policies will better the farmer and others like him. I haven't seen any other candidate do that this election and if they have, I'm sure it wasn't with this level of eloquence.
- This farmer basically whines about subsidies ( welfare ) for farmer instead of blaming regulations .
- Cruz is good but #Trump2016
- Cruz is truly a man of God and a man of the people. He will save our country and usher in an era of prosperity the likes of which we have not seen since Reagan.
- Cruz, the man is a rat,
- Cruz is for deregulation and free markets instead of subsidies, except free markets don't work for agriculture, so prices are usually below costs. (See my Farm Bill & Food Bill playlist, esp. "Michael Pollan Rebuttal".) He mentions subsidies for the ethanol industry, which lead them to use more corn, which uses up some of the oversupply and helps the price of corn a small amount, (but usually not enough to get above the cost of production). Ethanol subsidies and farm commodity subsidies have been a way to ignore the failure of the free market for agriculture, so they've been supported by Republicans who are not libertarian purists (which is the position taken by Cruz). Really, the US, long the dominant farm exporter and price leader (i.e. corn, soybeans), should have been exporting at a profit, not at a loss (just to secretly subsidize the giant US/foreign companies who buy from farmers with a failed-free-market entitlement).
- If taxpayers should pay farmers for ethanol, they should pay every business for what they do. It's redistribution of wealth..
- Has anyone ever seen Bernie or Hillary talk directly to people like this? No, that's the difference 
- What a legend. It seems so out of character for him to cheat the Iowa caucus in the way that he did - sad if it's true.
- That's great. Sucking more water out of the ground so we can put ethanol in our gas tanks when there is plenty of oil now and the long-term solution is hydrogen produced with nuclear energy. Ethanol is just playing to your constituents. It's a handout.
- Wow.. Holy shit that was an amazing turn around. He came in livid and angry at Ted Cruz and he calmly pulled this man to his side.
- proof a Republican can't go 10 minutes without a bigoted remark.. DAMN DEM GAYS!!!
- Except ethanol is bad for engines. Carburetors and injectors particully. Not to mention, it doesn't produce as much energy per gallon as oil. AND, why the hell are we using our food resource to power things? Oh, that's right. Oil is evil to the environment.
- The audio is too quiet to hear but this might be a good video
- He's incredibly smart and sincere, and believes every word he says, and that is why I believe he will be our next President.
- I love Cruz but too much ethanol is bad for engines. I don't know what the real reason is for the blend wall, I'm sure Washington doesn't give a shit about your engines except for emissions. But in this case coincidentally the blend wall protects your engines. Sorry corn farmers maybe your product would have more demand if the government never artificially inflated your industry with those subsidies.
- Cruz is the man!
- I still feel iffy about him. But with Rand out of the picture, our alternatives are the toupee infested narcissistic two year old with too much money, the conniving, lying, murderous wicked witch of the west and the democratic Santa Claus. Time to get a Cruz poster... ;P
- Amazing! he will be the best president ever!
- That farmer just can't get off the teat. It terrifies him , since subsidies have been stringing him along for decades, if not his whole adult life. It's just like welfare recipients being asked to find work.