Hybrid Magur Fish Farming Business | Million Of Hybrid Magur Eating Food in Tank | Fish Farm in Asia

Hybrid Magur Fish Farming Business | Million Of Hybrid Magur Eating Food in Tank | Fish Farm in Asia{

Hybrid Magur Fish Farming Business | Million Of Hybrid magur Eating Food in Tank | Fish Farm in Asia Village Fishari Magur Hybrid Magur Fish Farming Business in India Million Hybrid magur Eating Food in Pond. Subscribe to my Channel and share these videos in social network. Write in the commen.

Hybrid Magur Fish Farming Business | Million Of Hybrid Magur Eating Food in Tank | Fish Farm in Asia

- Super super nice
- ماشاء الله تبارك الله اللهم زد وبارك يارب العالمين
- Gross!
- I would create a simple system of feeding other than these bags carrying them everyday....crazy
- This is not sustainable is rich countries. That water bill would be sky high! I see big countries allow poor countries to do this and use their resources. Then they buy them.
- https://youtube.com/channel/UCReWkbMXUO51sFO5S4I94sw
- We are waiting for you on Turkey's Breakthrough projects YouTube Channel
https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCvfJsFkFrlIWwFADeoEjeNA 🕊
- السمك المظر المسرطن
- Cruel
- too many fish, little space, very bad :-(
- Great job
- Waow emezing
- Too many fish in one tank
- Kiya ret hain bhai bacha
- Ola
- These ponds are very small
- gmo soya pellets? yummy!
- Такива ферми трябва да бъдат затворени от инспекцията.
- Overcrowded pond . Very poor effort .crual