HowTo Harvest, Dry & Cure Legal Cannabis - Full Process (Wet Trim Method){

This is my ACMPR Grow Journey won't you join me? This is my full process on how to wet trim Harvest dry and cure cannabis. This episode was filmed inside a 5x5 shorty Gorillagrow tent, I have a discount link below if you want one of these amazing tents for yourself... . . ---------------------------.

HowTo Harvest, Dry & Cure Legal Cannabis - Full Process (Wet Trim Method)

- Duck Dynasty
- You rule and also my best resource for any questions I have! Thanks brother!
Ja tam tu widziałem, ue eog jak nie tu to szukajcie w necie. - First intro I ever wanted to watch on YouTube
- This explains way better than MR Canucks... Great video thanks!!!
- Mr Canucks explain everything so fast like if we all experts!!! Sometimes I don't know what he even talking about jajaja, well that's just me and my slow brain jaja .. much love!!!!
- u talk too mush shit.
- I liked using brown paper bags for my curing process. It took alot of time off the process without the need to "burp". Something about the brown paper bag that controlled conditions enough.
- Should I turn on my fan In the tent while drying?
- Thank you ! Great information.
- Great step by step video, really appreciate it. It’s so much more understandable when u can see the process. 🙌🏽💯
- lol u edit your comments cuz no way everyone thinks of u as a guru
- That Freddy Kruger sweater tho!!!! I'm jelly!!
- Much obliged. Nervous Nellie here. Put me at ease. I've been patient with 11 12 weeks of flower. 3 months veg. I can wait 3 weeks. :) ty.
- Perfect thanks 🙏
- U Chumlees bro ?
- My plant has 19 branches. Each of which is yielding twice that whole plant!
- Pretty green and pretty crappy 😂
- Rick n Morty reference got you a longtime subscriber
- Holy mowley….That’s the Skeletor action figure I had in pre-school
- HOLY SHIT!!…. That’s the skeleton action figure I had in pre-school…LMAO