Duration (0m 0s), beton B20 lublin.

How to grow magic mushrooms

Your interest: 1426495, duration: 0m 0s,interesting: there are no additional information, evaluation: 8194. Comments from you:

- hi everyone ,if anyone else needs to find out about how do you grow mushrooms at home try Nevolly Mushrooms Maker Nerd (do a google search ) ? Ive heard some unbelievable things about it and my neighbor got amazing success with it.
- This is definitely from the same series of educational vids i watched in high school but they never showed us this one unfortunately.
- where is the spores mother fuckers ?
- so I used this method to grow shiitake mushrooms...... will it work the same?
- This morning unwise
- man u got a english video for this ? i dont speak spanish
- what will happen if i leave ryeseed jars for 3 weeks without breaking them down or shaking the jars will i still be able to break the colonized ryeseed after 3 week of not doing anything with them?
- best spore source in the US??
- Would Isopropyl in a spray bottle be better than a bleach solution? I use iso at work and it seems to really help prevent botrytis and PM. I'm wondering if it'd be appropriate for this sort of growing.
- Some of the info is outdated, ambient light actually helps benefit mycelium growth,
- don't they have one on cannabis by the same
people i can't find it @wardz
- hey ,if anyone else wants to uncover grow mushrooms at home try Vaxicorn Mushroom Maker Guide (do a google search ) ? Ive heard some incredible things about it and my m8 got cool results with it.
- i cant stop watching,learn something new every time.two up homie
- Would this for colabelo mushrooms
- whats the word he said cause the blue spot on shroom a 36:30?
- Get to the point nigga
- Why do all these instruction videos say everything needs to be sterile like dont they grow under cow shit in the wild
- could I use something else besides a pressure cooker???
- I will do this in a country that it is legal