Duration (4m 45s), restauracja.

How to Cook Millet - Healthy Recipes

Your interest: 33591, duration: 4m 45s,interesting: there are no additional information, evaluation: 191. Comments from you:

- legit medical professional will never tell you anything good honey. If they did they will end up most likely murdered. Holistic Doctors have to watch their backs because they also will tell you healthy alternatives
- Here I am, thinking that I'm listening to the advice of a legit medical professional (an MD) and it turns out that the lady is not a doctor at all. 
I appreciate everyone's professions and knowledge, but I think a word "doctor" is being misused nowadays, leading to misunderstanding and misleading the general public.
I liked the millet prep. Very informative.
- I can watch your video 24/7, you look a very kind person, just watching your video i get full of pozitive energy! Thank you sharing all this recipe Doctor!
- So glad it's helpful for you all!
- Thank you for this! I could never get my millet to come out right. Not enough water and not enough cook time. Thanks again!
- Thank you : ))
- Thanks, am loving everyone of your videos...many many thanks... you are beautiful...
- You are awesome thank you for your help and your contribution in helping people get in better health :)
- Please make more videos like this. Really helpful. Thankyou. May god bless you and your family.
- Because my friend she is a Sikh. Sikhism believes in equality for all of mankind no matter whether they are of a particular religion, race, gender, sexual orientation, caste etc. Sikhs believe in one God and God is present within all of us which ultimately makes us all equal. We were created by one single being, God. You might want to read about women in Sikhism.
- totally unrelated: Why don't you wear a gunghat?
- Thanks, for recipe. Wheter it can replace meat sources for muscle building?