Duration (1m 28s), see for yourself and rate comments.

How sorghum syrup is made

Your interest: 10970, duration: 1m 28s,interesting: there are no additional information, evaluation: 7. Comments from you:

- That sounds good! I'll have to try it.
- I am eating some now on butter pecan ice cream.
- Jesus that's over half a days work with my grandfathers operation. Still got the horse drawn mill.
- Wow, you folks are so automated and everyone a settin down to do their job, too bad you can't develop a sorghum cane that'll jest jump up and throw itself in the mill. :)
- @BeOrganicJewelry Yeah, well, in this "hi tech" day and age, they couldn't find anyone with the old timey skills to operate a fork!
- Fantastic to see sorghum made. Tillers International still uses oxen power to run their presses.