How Farmers Harvested and Threshed Wheat in the 1880s

How Farmers Harvested and Threshed Wheat in the 1880s{

Lazy days of summer start for some farmers only after they finish the most stressful time of their year – grain harvest. Weather conditions dictated the timing historically (and continue to do so today). At Firestone Farm, you can see the ways that farmers such as Benjamin Firestone combined weath.

How Farmers Harvested and Threshed Wheat in the 1880s

- 😈😈
- very educational , great vid🎉
- This is how we harvest rice as well.
- Thank you.
- The Amish watching this like: I'm in this video!
- You made slaves to this...get real
- Very creative nothing went to waste
- My mother growing up in North Dakota, told me many times about the harvest and the
' Thrashing Crews '...So many times I knew what happened...( wink wink nudge nudge )...
- I often say to my fiancee, we are so lucky. The amount of time/energy and trial and error pioneers used is a thankless task here in the future. We are so spoiled.
- LoL Amish still do that.
- those straw so dry, why
- WOW! That's amazing. A daily staple brought to by... hard work and inventiveness. Thanks.