How Cane Sugar Is Made{

Cane sugar has been the sweetener of choice for over 2,000 years. It is used in all types of foods due to its versatility. It enhances flavor, aroma, texture and browning. It also helps retain moisture and preserve freshness. In this How Sugar is Made video, we explain how different types of sugar .

How Cane Sugar Is Made

- Nice
- just a note that if you are buying sugar you are supporting the death of our planet from accelerating climate change, the poisoning/death of community members of the town of Saint Martinville Louisiana who can't breathe or go outside because of the factory smoke in the area, the death of countless wildlife & domesticated animals who are poisoned by the smoke in the area as well #truthaboutsugar #realmenprotecttheenvironment #realmenprotectwomen #realmenprotectkids #realmenprotectanimals
Tu sobie zobacz dofinansowanie na zakup pompy ciepła lubelskie , zawsze nowa wiedza. - Good
- from a brazilian citizen : drink its juice.
- Wrong. You cut it down then put it into a crafting table
- Good
- what came first? the sugar crystal or...uh...s-sugar crystal??????????
- From Pure Cane to Pure Love to Pure Diabetes. Thanks Imperial Dixie.
- For those of you who never heard of it, there's a famous sweet in Brazil called 'rapadura' which is a solid block version of that liquid extracted from the sugar cane, and there's a more refined version of it called 'merendê' which is awesome as well. There's also an alcoholic beverage made out of sugar cane called 'cachaça' which is widely appreciated too.
- i finally was able to get plants. So i can't wait to try this process.
- by the why cane sugar was invented in India then British took that and export around the world . Proud to be Indian 🕉🕉☪☪✝✝☮☮☸☸🔯🕎☯☦(●'◡'●)
- Wow a sugar maker doing a video but doesn't want to show the real factory ??? Seems curious if your the company you don't show real video? Why not?
- Please cuz tell him.
- I wonder which stage of the process it becomes diabetes
- this is the thing that is "so bad for you" its literally a poison, its the worst thing you can eat, rather drink aspartame which causes cancer. Sugar makes you fat, it kills you and youre a fat fuck if you eat sugar even though almost every food contains sugar and human body basically needs carbohydrates. Still if youre fat the only reason for that is sugar even though fatness is more common now than ever before in the whole history and this is the only time in the history when there is people that avoid sugar at all and there is a lot of them. Sugar makes you fat, it literally immediately turns fat in your body if you eat it. This is a proof, eat a lot of sugar today and see if you are fat tomorrow. Im sure you will be, because these are (facts) that i heard on the internet.
- Another video for cane sugar production process -
- Once the cane hits the refinery, how long does it take until it's package?
- Nice👍
- watched this in my school lesson lol
- Nice