Harvesting Sorghum seeds{

I am harvesting the seeds for the perennial and coral sorghum today. I am growing these plant for the seed to return to the Experimental farm network. (EFN) The red on the plant may be Anthracnose or Red Rot of Sorghum canes. Caused by all the wet conditions we are having now. A great video to watc.

Harvesting Sorghum seeds

- hey I had one single magickle #sorghum stalk appear in my garden , and one before then or somthing... I remember once before somthing else appeared
- Very informative video, thank you! Did the perennial sorghum come back the following year(s)?
A może i takie? fantastycznekoszulki.pl , mi też odpowiada. - How do you know when to collect the seeds. Some of mine had sprouted and others are missing the seeds.
- I want to buy i am from Pakistan
- Thank you for the video! Where can a person buy sorghum seed?
- That's interesting.
You amaze me with your wealth of information, my friend :)
- wow they grew tall..
- Good stuff. Very healthy I may have a go at this next year. Very inspiring.
- this is the first time I have heard of sorghum
- Thanks " E " yeah Highland is closer to San Bernardino , I lived on the coast in Ventura . We grew peppers , tomatoes , zucchini , corn . And a couple of Apple trees this year .Our corn didn't do too well either . We have a lot of this white looking obsidian rock . Thinking about doing a raise garden and straw bale next year . Oh well the grand kids had a ball with the garden . And our chickens did a great job on the ticks and spiders , so I'm stoked as they say in California . Funny I used to have allergies in California , but here nothing seems to bother me , even after the pollen here turned my blue p/u yellow lol . I feel for you " E " having to deal with allergies .Blessing to you and your wonderful family always !
- Fantastic Job my friend very nice. Thank you for sharing Have a lovely
New Week Happy Monday. Greetings and Blessings.
- what a interesting plant, be interesting to see if come back as a perennial, so you have no way to process this for your kitchen? tfs E thumbs up
- Thanks " E " for sharing I've heard of sorghum before but never knew what it looked like and how you used it . I'm an implant from California even though my oldest boy came to Mo. When he was 20 to take over his grandpa carpet laying business , he's 43 now . I might grow it to use as feed than trying to make molasses out of it , sounds like a lot of work . Good seeing you again and hope your allergies get better. Have a Blessed weekend :)
- I didn't think it got that tall. You have been sort of quiet lately. Is it due to your allergies? We have been getting plenty of rain lately too. I am going to watch the video. Best wishes Bob.
- Hi "E", Very interesting. Thanks for link. I'm going to watch that as soon as I finish here. If I could quit Pepsi I'd probably be OK, but you know......got to have my soda. :)
- That is a new plant to me so thanks for sharing!!
- Nice experimental grow E! Good to see a video from ya! Hope your yard isnt a raging river. Have a good'nnn
- been wonderin what you were up to, great vid thx for the share
- nice job, thanks for sharing
- looks great