Harvest Finance Could Moon Soon!!?! FARM Token Analysis

Harvest Finance Could Moon Soon!!?! FARM Token Analysis{

Harvest Finance Could Moon Soon!!?! FARM Token Analysis! Not financial advice, I'm not a financial advisor. Do not invest based on what you hear on here. Do your own research but I like the coin :) BlockFi (Get Up to $250 BTC When Depositing Just $25 or More) https://blockfi.mxuy67.net/c/2800288/90.

Harvest Finance Could Moon Soon!!?! FARM Token Analysis

- This crypto has one wallet with 240 shares in it. When you buy into this token you will see the 240 wallet will go to the opposite side of where you bought and n and then it will pump and dump. One wallet I’ve noticed for 2 months. Other than that there is no one invested in this junk fake token
- Harvest finance is a scam. Look back in the chart at the beginning. It gave a pump for thirty thousand dollars. I call it a fake advertisement pump. Why because it was never worth that much and the creator of the coin pumped up the crypto in the beginning when no one was invested so they don’t lose any money and it gives the impression the crypto was worth a lot at one point in time. But no it’s not even close. That’s how you spot out a scam
- harvest is yearn fi back when it started
- Farm is bad project i think will be delisted in all exchages
- Go 5000$in december ameen
- soon 500 to the moon
- Great video! Short term 500, 1K = 10-40K long run
- You guys think it will be in the thousands in the future?
- hit 263 today lol
- How degenerate was I to buy FARM @215
- check this poly / har fi interview https://youtu.be/UIybfIIHYr0
- 2:39 BINGO
- 1:02 What do you do in crypto?
- Farm much more user friendly than curve
- Gd stuff.
- Thank ya much.