[~Halloween 2017~] #4 Maize Farm - Diggy's Adventure

[~Halloween 2017~] #4 Maize Farm - Diggy's Adventure{

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[~Halloween 2017~] #4 Maize Farm - Diggy's Adventure

- Я вчера его прошел )
- Tô precisando de ajuda na fase Reino do Fundo do Mar do Natal de 2017.....
- 😀😀😀😀😉
- Turned both things and the room didn't catch fire so i can't get the film reel
- Thanks for the helpful hints. I know this is a dumb game but super addicting and challenging
- How to solve scribes tomb i need to know
- How in the world did you solve the puzzle with the arrows? I couldn't for the life of me figure out where the clues were...
- How do you get back to the beginning to get missed blocks?