Growing Sweet Corn from Sowing to Harvest{

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Sweet corn is very satisfying to grow at home, but the real prize lies in cooking up the cobs as soon as possible after harvest for a super-sweet treat. Corn that’s had to travel miles.

Growing Sweet Corn from Sowing to Harvest

- It use ful to new people thanks.
- 1. Start with fresh corn seeds for the best results.

2. Directly sow seeds approximately 1.5 to 2 inches deep and 4 to 6 inches apart.

3. Cover with soil, space your rows of seeds 30 to 36

inches apart.

4. Water your block of corn well after planting.

5. Corn stalks are sturdy and should not need staking.
Tu polecam zerknąć ładowarki do e papierosa - może i więcej, ale czy ok? - best spacing advice, ta very much
- I plant mine in my flower beds (because they give a nice contrast) after starting them off in a covered pot on the window sill in just a little water, I do the same with my peas. I find the cheapest seeds are those sold for popping corn, you get hundreds more for your money and just reject the duds.
- Great video, planning to grow these in South A
- Hi Ben, I'm growing sweetcorn at the moment and one of plants has flowered for about 6 days but there isn't any silks to pollinate.

do they usually form together or at different stages?
- Heya, I walked past my sweetcorn this evening and I noticed something, Lots of small slugs on the corn ears, making their way to the tassels! I've tried looking it up on google but literally can't find anything, is this normal? are they damaging the ear/silks and are they able to get inside? any help appreciated! I'm thinking of trying vaseline on the stems?

Edit: checked them this morning and two of the silks are basically gone :( I don't know what to do
- Hi sir which month I can plant corn can I plant in August?
- Had ants in the corn growing area pockets and now they pockets are flat and the base leaves have died - any ideas?
- Short and sweet to the point
- Jesus Chris, this guy's really trying with his delivery, isn't he?
- What is eat my corn leafs on my allotment and how do stop them
- My first plot already have a flower but no corn ?
- Looking for info as to how it develops from the female - are each of theses corn?
- Where I live, we tend to have strong storms in June that beat corn to the ground. To help with this, I put a pole at the ends of row and run rope or twine from one pole, around the second pole, and back, with the corn in the row in between. I also pile dirt up around the bottoms of the stalks and firm it.
- sirbi needs your help phone number
- I enjoyed this. I shall subscribe
- Tally ho good sport. Dashing video. Also hilarious facial expressions
- Definitely going to subscribe after I write this! Thank you so much for this video, it was so easy to understand and follow! 🤗
- I NEED HELP! All my seedlings are dying 😭 I’m losing hope 😞