Duration (5m 30s), see for yourself and rate comments.

Growing Sweet Corn for the First Time

Your interest: 13798, duration: 5m 30s,interesting: traktory, evaluation: 122. Comments from you:

- Fuck GMO! Thanks for the video!
- Can anyone tell me if my sweet corn will readily produce in South Florida?
- I will, you guys are awesome! Very cool! I'm trying to circumvent Monsanto too!
- Oh, sorry....what is GMO corn please?! Thanks!
- Hi again Brandon and Meredith!! We are [Me!...hubby grew up on a big farm!] are growing corn and big veggie garden this year at our new home [just moved here last Sept.2015] and will be sharing our bounties [I hope! LOL] with some neighbors! Anyways, Only ONE corn cob per stalk?! Eeek! I am a city girl turned accidental country girl LOL and I didn't know that! So, how many seeds should we plant lets say just for the 2 of us? Plant some every 2 weeks or so also to keep em going? I am so excited this year and am glad I subbed you guys! Also would love just 3 chickens [Kev had em growin up, a ton tho! he says stinky buggers!] so I am working on that!! LOL So, I guess my question is: since each kernel of corn yields ONE ear, then just plant what we can eat [sorry to sound stupid!! ] Thanks for your help and I am LOVING your vids you guys!! We are in Upstate Western NY by Canada.....zone 6a I think?! .....Pam & Kev
- very nice. Beautiful pictures at the end too.
- Ears.
- Awesome growing your own sweet corn! :) Excellent job on your video! :) Greetings from Ireland ! :) I love flying my Q500 for some aerial footage! :) Thanks a million for sharing! :) Thumbs up from me! :)
- this is really amazing corn
- I just subscribed to your channel :)
- Your corn looks great. I am down here in Austin and my corn is smaller but has slightly bigger ears of corn. My first year as well. Good luck to a fellow Texan.
- chicken update please
- Your corn looks great! Not long now before your big harvest. Awesome! :)
- How many did you grow?
- No reason to worry about GMO unless you are planning on keeping some seed for next year. I would strongly advise against that though because you don't have enough plants. It takes seed from at least 100 different ears in order to insure you don't get inbred corn the following year.
- It's amazing how much pollen a corn plant puts out! Nice job of showing that. The whole process of corn pollination is amazing. Each pollen grain is only viable for a few minutes before it dries out too much. Each one of the silk strands on the developing corn goes to one potential kernel of corn. So a pollen grain has to find a silk strand, then grow all the way down that strand to fertilize the potential kernel of corn deep within the husk. When an ear of corn has gaps in the kernels, they didn't get fertilized. I'm astounded we get corn at all! May all your ears be full!
- Good luck with growing your first Corn
- How long have you been growing it at this point? It looks great!
- Looks great! The only problem I've ever had growing corn are the little worms which want to eat it before I do! I have to check it often for harvest to bet the worms to it.
- Looks like it will be an amazing harvest.