Duration (1m 59s), see for yourself and rate comments.

Growing Mushrooms at Home: How to break up grain jars

Your interest: 215, duration: 1m 59s,interesting: there are no additional information, evaluation: 8. Comments from you:

- So I broke up my grain jars, but then i remembered i don't have any substrate at the moment. Do you think the mycellium will be okay, if I saved the grains for another day?
- Nice video series. Very interesting stuff. Anyway just like straw to wood , i have outgrown jars for spawn bags. I can do 5 lb of grain in 1 bag. Throw it away when done or contaminated. No washing jars!
Just make sure you use the spawn rated filter bag( .2 or .3 micron).
Hope you continue to put out video's.
- Whats the material you use for the filter on your lid ?