Growing Hybrid Corn From Seed | A Dual Purpose Crop{

Discussing our OP / Open Pollinated corn hybridization project which we are growing from organic sourced heirloom and heritage variety seed. This is a giant field corn, as opposed to sweet corn, which we are developing in hopes it will be fit for both grinding into grits and flour (etc) as well a s.

Growing Hybrid Corn From Seed | A Dual Purpose Crop

- For Hybrid Corn Project Seed, Please Visit Our FB Page: Bumblebee Junction // From There, Just Press The SHOP NOW Button On The Front Page... Thank you for your support !!!
- Hi there. I'm an avid open-pollinated and heirloom grower. Last year I harvested my first batch of hybrid corn and I gotta I've never tasted anything like it! It was so lovely and sweet and had such bright yellow, full cobs. This year i went back to my golden bantum sweetcorn and my harvest was so much smaller than the hybrid corn, albeit the old-school corn flavour was there, which i kind of like. From now on hybrid corn has a place in my garden.
Na tej stronie też widziałem opony Oleśnica , jak dla mnie ok. - Interesting...have a package of glass gem seed and looking to plant some - would love to know about growing corn - requirements for soil, fertilizer or no? Want some tips and information.
- Just ordered some corn seed. Super excited! Ready for this year! 😁✋👍🙏❤
- That looks like you have been doing your homework and are passionate about what you want your end product to be. Thank you for sharing your insight and knowledge on this.
- I've enjoyed this video. My great Uncle hybridized Iris. He loved creating unique flowers and shipped his creations world wide. It was his belief that his garden kept him young.
- So want in on this but we are surrounded by fields that have lots of chemicals added every year and this coming year it will be corn😔 which defeats the purpose and kills any thing we plant that is not gmo corn. Good luck and have fun everyone
- Did you try any of the corn? If so, how did it taste?
- Hello from TN! I'm sorry I cut you off when you said Etsy store! I GOT THE SEED!! Now I can finish watching the video! GOD bless
- Hello, I won't be able to get the corn seed. I don't do the Facebook thing. It's a wonderful concept! GOD bless
- You guys are awesome!
- Very interesting, but, I don't have room for any kind of corn. As it is, I'm still trying to figure out where I can put 2 small beds to try and grow some sweet potatoes and some peanuts for the first time. AND, the last time I DID grow corn, I ended up in a war with "SQUIRRELZILLA"  He won all the battle's until the end of the 2nd year, I caught him in the act of trying to drag off my last acorn squash. The war ended that day with ME running the victory flag, up MY flagpole!!! (at no time was any Tofu harmed during that skirmish)Could you do a video on seed saving from veg grown from F1 hybrid seeds? What to expect, and if by reseeding for several years, selectively, would it grow true to the F1 plants in time?Thanks again, always great information.   Mark
- Very informational
- Great stuff!! New sub!
- if i can find someone to plow a plot for me. i will purchase some of your corn to grow.
- That sure was a good video. I'm going try to plant some sweet corn this year. This is the first time growing corn. Have a great weekend.
- I enjoy watching your videos. I have a hard time gardening, bad knees....I have to stay with containers and very few of those.
You are such a wealth of knowledge on gardening!!! I pass along what I learned from you to others...Then tell them about your channel...
Thank you for sharing and God bless.
- We've never grown corn yet. Once moved? We will for sure. Followed your crop closely last year. Cant wait to move lol
- Very interesting Mark. Looking forward to seeing results. 😁 Cheryl
- I love your corn project. A very cool goal!!!