Duration (9m 2s), see for yourself and rate comments.

Growing giant corn 1 of 2

Your interest: 330198, duration: 9m 2s,interesting: drukarnia Beltrani, dru offsetowy, katalogów, evaluation: . Comments from you:

- But you don't get many ears of corn from them
- WHAT IN THE WORLD?  I didn't even know it came this size. I wonder what would happen if you crossed it with mini corn.... you'd get normal size corn. this is awesome. a first for me.
- FUCK MONSATO. GMO is deadly to all life on earth and has or is being banned in several countries. Billions of dollars are spent to try and keep people from knowing about or being aware if they are eating gmo.
- That's how long or corn is in our backyard right now lol
- What the fuck is that? Did you compost tea that with some amazing compost? Was it chemical fertilized? Are they GMO? Just curious not judging... My first year growing corn and these are crazy bro!
- Now I have seen it all!!! LOL
- those roots are why you constantly have to hill the dirt around them
- Dead Prez
- Monsanto should be proud lol Now that's some badass corn
- Hope that isn't GMO corn.
- your so full of crap. corn doesn't grow that fast. anyone that believes this crap knows nothing about veggies. lol
- If he had only views from people that liked that noise he called music he wouldn't have a hundred views....That noise seriously sucks! Your corn video is interesting but stop with the irritating noise!
- There is a natural corn in oaxaca mexico that grows to like 16 feet tall and gives you two ears .
- Seen many like this at the Nebraska State Fair over the years. Avoid GMO. They are not to be eaten, only fermented.
- gmo + chemical products = bad food
- horrible music
- its really too tall,
- Do u sell seeds
- klo liat pohon jagung suka inget sama kerbau...
- children of the corn shit going on there my friend