Duration (11m 6s), see for yourself and rate comments.

Gluten Free Sorghum Chapati Recipe (jowar ki roti)

Your interest: 4125, duration: 11m 6s,interesting: there are no additional information, evaluation: 16. Comments from you:

- This is nothing like Indian chapati.
- Hi Barbara, Try using piping hot water while preparing the dough, and preferably try using fresh ground dough, at home we do use any oil for this flat bread, maybe this link could help. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gMSAiC0XDI
- hi barbara - try using less sticky dough and pat with palms on a floured surface. A thick center with thin edges will help to puff the center up.
- @NaturalDarkChocoalate, Yes, coconut oil can be used.
- Can coconut oil be used?
- @organicpaul, I'm glad you like the video. I am grateful for your supportive comments.