Farming Simulator 19 | Anderson Group Hybrid X Xtractor Tutorial{

Learn how to use the inline wrappers from the Anderson Group. GIANTS Software and Focus Home Interactive are excited to announce the Anderson Group Equipment Pack DLC, bringing various additions and equipment from the Anderson Group. Baling is the big focus feature of this DLC, adding new types of.

Farming Simulator 19 | Anderson Group Hybrid X Xtractor Tutorial

- Leider kann ich das Gerät an keinen einzigen Traktor ankuppeln
- Can't even get it to take the bale, so I don't even see the point of this crappy DLC. Tried it with and without mods
Moim zdaniem take, aparat stały samoligaturujący - chwila czasu ale warto. - Never mind, now its working
- Why is my tool not working? I put a the bale and it doesnt want to work
- Man I need help bad I cant get the hybrid t work the square bales dont fit . I am using the high density baler is that why ?
- I used the wrapper but how i do pick the bales up? They're all kinda tied together and bale collectors wont pick them up. I cant even pick them up with front loaders.
- Dear farming simulator please do not limit the machines on Xbox one and ps4
- Doesn't even work for me
- Can you open a round silage bale without the dlc??
- Come out with a silage bagger
- When the farming simulator 17 mobile will come out
- I hope now that we all dont have too pay for the dlc cos it looks very cool
- Can you guys make more mods for ps4 ww are lonly
- Nice 😋
- Drodzy twórcy Farminga mam Do was proźbe ponieważ z powodu kilku błędów kilku krótkie disinstalowałem i instalowałem FS 17 z tego powodu kod przestał mi działać na opcji multiplayer proszę o pomoc co zrobić aby móc grać na Multiplayer?
- Looking forward to this DLC
- This looks great and will be a nice addition to the game and a new dynamic.
- Please make Russian mods on PS4 🤗
- Luv the dlc that's coming out but since game release on Xbox there's been bareilly any if not no updates to this game to fix minor bugs that could be fixed before the first dlc
- When FS 20?