Farming In Ireland in the 1950s - Growing Oats - Farming Down the Years Part One{

In this video a field of Corn (Oats)is grown and harvested as it would have through the middle of the last century. Re-enacting the farm year of 1955, we show each stage of growing Corn as it would have been farmed during these years. From ploughing with horses though to ploughing with a 1939 Fo.

Farming In Ireland in the 1950s - Growing Oats - Farming Down the Years Part One

- Watch Part Two Here
- Right at the very start...listen out for the cry of the corncrake.....I've never heard one for more than fifty years...
Warto też zobaczyć na stronie: hurtownia breloków ja bym się z tym zgodził. - Its shocking how so little people dont know that corn is a catch all term for grain used for feeding cattle. Corn was a term used before America was discovered. The real name for corn that we know of today is maize. These farmer's corn crop of the year was oats.
- Throughly enjoy these Irish farming films. It was the ways of my ancestors. I did not get to learn them as my father died when I was only 7 yrs old.
- That is not corn. It is some sort of grain.
- Corn has changed...a lot.
- The precious ears of corn! Lol it's oats and oats doesn't have ears.
- Que bueno ,muy importante , muy instructivo .aca en Argentina tambien se trabajo con esas maquinas cortadoras con atador ....buen video
- The days when. Men were men and boys were just a nuicanse
- Great to see these old farming practices kept alive. Well done to all involved
- That corn looks like oats
- yummy Porridge.
- I remember twine hay bales and the bailing machine.
- They keep saying corn but it looks like oats to me?
- When I was a boy my dad sat on the binder and was pulled by Ford Major tractor I used to sit on the mudguard of the tractor, if it rained they used to put a sheet over the sails of the binder and we used the climb underneath on the canvas to keep dry.
- Thank you for posting this.. I can just about remember seeing this in the 50s . Now 65yo.
- Good job the narrator isnt Spanish or he would be Juan Kerr
- The crop is oats.
- Buy an attract her...
Plow the field..
Sow your seeds...
Grow some spuds..
Spread lots of muck about everyone else...
- "The horses pushed instead of pulled..".....Actually, horses very rarely pull. They push on the large collars around their shoulders and it is the framework that pulls. If you look at the chains at the rear of the horse to the carriage/implement, you will see that they hang loose.