Epic Harvesting Montana Style - Welker Farms Inc

Epic Harvesting Montana Style - Welker Farms Inc{

Welker Farms Harvest is back! And this time we brought three farms with us! After battling intense heat, severe drought, fires, and relentless smoke, farms throughout Montana pushed though the rough season and wrapped up harvest 2017. Epic/Cinematic music combined with spectacular 4K drone footage.

Epic Harvesting Montana Style - Welker Farms Inc

- God bless the United States of America
- I want to have your e-mail address so that we can communicate.
I love what I watched.
- What a fantastic episode!! Absolutely loved it. Nick you do some awesome and professional work!!
- God ( Jesus Christ. ) Will Always Be With You Forever And Forever And Forever And Forever For All Eternity...
- Thank- You God, Thank - You God, Thank - You God, Thank - You God...
- Incredible. Love this video. Watched it many times with kids. Show them how beautiful and important it is to work on the land. Create value. Feed the world. Thank you
- I swear Nick is freaking awesome with that drone!!!
- I learned so much
- like all the videos i play xbox one and downloaded your farm
- I lost access to my old youtube account that had a huge playlist of various trucking farming and music stuff.....this is by far still my favorite farming video
- Cool to see the different operations / equipment preferences. Nicely done Nick. 👍🏼💪
- Nice video Nick.
- Am I the only one who just likes watching theses kinds of videos because I find them peaceful and grand
- Music in this video is copyrighted?
- can you do a video like this in 2021?
- That is some beautiful mancians and good harvesting
- I almost looks like a game....
- Beautiful 🌷🌹
- great video! Congratulations!
- Great video! What’s your drone and what video editing software do you use? Just getting started here. Thanks!