Duration (2m 23s), DJ Tomo, wesele.

Einkorn Wheat: Change the Way You Think About Living Gluten-Free

Your interest: 118440, duration: 2m 23s,interesting: there are no additional information, evaluation: 58. Comments from you:

- Celiac Disease and being a gluten free diet follower are 2 very different things . please educate more on the severe difference. I am celiac and can have NO wheat. NO WHEAT!! is that clear? you want money , I want health. we have different motives. Educate on the true difference. and stop trying to skip the first step. Dont assume the world knows the difference because clearly they dont. keep your wheat! and good for those who want it.

if you have Celiac this product will harm you. period
- i like it almost correct there is no such thing as ancient Turkey the country is just 500 yers
- Demand the labeling of GMO poison food !
- Einkorn is finkle! finkle is Einkorn! Einkorn is a man!
- The jury is still out on the advantages of einkorn. It has a lower yield than modern wheat and so requires more land to sustain a population. A full switch to einkorn would result in less food produced per acre of farm land, a problem that will only exacerbate the growing population issue.

I expect that even the higher nutritional content is only because of the lower yield. Less grain per square metre of soil means the nutrients in that soil get divided among fewer grains and so each grain is more nutritious. Processing einkorn into a usable state is also more difficult.

Bottom line: einkorn will be more expensive and less efficient at sustaining the world. Advocating it's use without explaining the faults and problems it poses pretty much conclusively says that you're trying to make a buck off of the gluten-free fad. If you really want to help society, maybe you could cross breed einkorn back into red wheat until you can get both the lower gliadin, higher protein and sustainable yields and processing ability of modern wheat.

Einkorn solves one problem by creating others.
- So what you're saying is the people who can't eat wheat can eat this type of wheat? If so can you buy it?