Drought Threatens Brazil’s Major Corn Crop

Drought Threatens Brazil’s Major Corn Crop{

Key corn growing areas in Brazil have gone weeks without significant rain. The drought is likely to have a drastic impact on the country’s second and largest corn crop. What will be the impact on global grain balance sheets and U.S. export demand? Presented by @CME Group: https://www.cmegroup.com/.

Drought Threatens Brazil’s Major Corn Crop

- Oh well. Cause and effect.
- You did this too yourselves. You deforest for cattle and selling the wood around the world for floors. I don't feel sorry for Brazilians. The Rainforest was an important Ecosystem that your country got greedy and now you pay the price. What's sad is thousands of plants we use from there will be extinct just like the Animals.
- It took billions of years to form an ecosystem that could sustain life. Mankind destroyed it in just a couple of centuries. This will not recover on its own anymore.
- Transglobe energy on the NASDAQ should do well in this market for a.
- How long before consumers start to yelp at higher food prices? 🤔