Duration (1m 41s), see for yourself and rate comments.

DOOMSDAY SEED VAULT OPENED - Global Seed Vault Dispatches First Ever Grain Shipment

Your interest: 11935, duration: 1m 41s,interesting: there are no additional information, evaluation: 75. Comments from you:

- that guy with the ponytail just got some syrian kush seeds
- enjoy what little freedom we have for soon it also will b gone
- When psycho Rockefeller is involved...it can't be good.
- unsubed. click bait nonsense videos this channel is filled with
- unsubed. click bait nonsense videos this channel is filled with
- cool
- I don't trust these people who oversees the seed vault...! Something else is up. Not sure what but NOTHING IS WHAT IT APPEARS.

- why was the vault opened???????????????
- I wish I could live in something like that. Just show up to a giant concrete slab with a vent on top surrounded by snow/sand. Would be soo dope!
- I noticed how tolerant the guy at the end claims these seeds are, have they been modified or are these seeds in a natural state?
- Feed the people 🙏🏻👍🏻👍🏻