Dense, Lossless, Automatic, Cheap and Good Looking Sugarcane Farm - Minecraft (Fun Farms 13){

In this episode of Fun Farms, I am showing a dense, lossless, automatic and actually good looking sugarcane farm, where you can request lots of sugarcanes on demand, for all your sugar and paper needs. The automation is possible thanks to flying machines and fast and smart minecart hopper unloader s.

Dense, Lossless, Automatic, Cheap and Good Looking Sugarcane Farm - Minecraft (Fun Farms 13)

- You might not realise this, but if you are playing on 1.13 or above, you can actually use those more efficent layouts, and use half slabbed water and put straight rails below everything.
- Honestamente, no entendí un carajo de lo que me estaba hablando, pero cuando tenga los recursos que quiero en mi mundo haré esta granja, gracias por el tutorial y ojalá la comunidad de Minecraft te apoyara más, porque lo mereces.
Jak dla mnie dość ciekawe, blog więcej to już w google trzeba. - You mention during this video that you don't know why people would trade paper with villagers; is this because you don't trade with villagers, or because you would trade something else instead? If the latter, what do you prefer to trade to get emeralds?
- If you need a piston based design, you should have a look at TangoTeks design! But I still really like this video!
- So I'm going to do this like 2 days just to use it once
- Can't you use a water logged slab instead of a water source in order to lay straight tracks underneath while keeping the more efficient layout?
- Suprisingly gnembon tried some transactions in his videos! Since Minecraft introduced waterlogging slabs and stairs, I think the design are more flexible now.
- Just started a new world with my daughter and the neighbor kid. I’m the only technical player out of the three of us and it’s made me remember why Gnembon is my favorite. Technical Minecraft can become a you know what measuring contest. He always keeps it practical, it’s always a lesson instead of just a how to, and encourages independent and critical thinking along with style and creativity.
- At 4:11 a SECTION of the machine just DUPED 😶
- Oh wow I never knew ghost blocks were so bad
- Observers facing up is fine for slime. Honey blocks work best with observers sideways.
- you can place slabs or trapdoors under the water to get optimal layout and simple rails
- 3:27 How can you rotate the piston that have been placed?
- Wow. Just wow. Incredibly and perfectly designed, both good looking and working tremendously.
- i cant figure out how to build the last minecart unloader and the world download wont work for me
- i am re watching this video 3 years later and , i just realise @6:28 , WAIT WHAT LILYPAD FARM :O ? XD oooh boi my brain hurts now !!!! XD how did i miss that last time
- It doesnt work
- Thanks for another great video! I know it's been several years after you published this beauty, but I was wondering about the differences between the final unloader station you demonstrate and the actual unloader you decided to install into the farm (in the world download). You have some differently-faced observers in the farm version. I built the final demonstration version in my survival world, but the tracks are locking, perhaps because of the detector rails, so that the hopper minecart never wants to arrive at the unloader station. Anyway, thanks again!
- Me wanting like 1 shulker box full of fireworks and
gnembon: ok so In 5 mins you get 400 stacks and that’s still kinda slow
- 256×256?