Duration (19m 22s), see for yourself and rate comments.

Corn Machine! What do you mean CORN doesn't come from cans?

Your interest: 2385977, duration: 19m 22s,interesting: ogłoszenia, evaluation: 1599. Comments from you:

- Corn is junk food, about the only animal that can eat it without it rotting its stomach is a pig, and they have a hard time with the Toxic GMO corn grown in the USA. Boycott, Corn, Wheat and Soy from the USA, these are toxic ag products.
- Corn comes from fields mafucker haha God Bless these farmers
- 'she thinks my tractors' sexy'. best music track EVER for these videos!!!!
- Farming simulator, anyone?
- No, corn doesn't come in cans.But elephants cum in quarts!
- I shudda married a farmer.
- PEBR, do what, what the hell are gabbing about?
- With all do respect... The kind of corn you combine with that machine does not come in a can either... Only sweet corn comes in a can and it is harvested with a completely different machine when the stalks are still green.
- the name of the video sounded like he knew nothing at all about this crap
- you can eat field corn but it has to be real young .. but that ass needs to get back to the ck out counter at Walmart and leve the farming to the men .. gran has been sold in bushel for ever there is not a mail corn of a female corn if it was the mail corn wood not have gran on it
- I love how city people think field corn is the corn they eat, they really need to get in touch with where there food comes from
- End corn subsidies. These guys can grow something else.
- Nice machines, great videos, makes life easier.
- please send your whatsapp and viber and we chat and line to speak about my giant projects to co-operate together in your field of work in Egypt and to have a branch for your company in Egypt It is difficult to understand one another by writing to each other and to shorten the time of conversation. we desire to work together and the website of the company on a hyper link to be easily opened to check its products and its activities and email
Engineer/ Bushra
- Tilt steering has been around since 1925.
- No corn here.
We is wheat farmers.
- nice video of that guys , nice looking machines :) and you guys sure are partty funny. ...lol lmao :)
- So sad that this crop is still subsidized. I used to eat corn nearly every day as a kid in the 1970's. I haven't been able to eat it for several years now, in fact my entire family get's sick from it. Corn unfortunately is no longer a food crop, but is a biological/industrial/chemical product. It is unfit for human consumption.
- Taught about anus
- Taught about touching