Corn Harvest - Silage vs. Grain

Corn Harvest - Silage vs. Grain{

From Ag PhD Episode #1221 for the week of 8-29-21. Brian and Darren Hefty explain the differences between harvesting corn for silage and harvesting corn for grain..

Corn Harvest - Silage vs. Grain

- You guys are great!
- Cover crops after silage
- keep the good work guys, many thanks !
- What is the best nutrient requirements to reach 100 bushel wheat in Kansas?
- Following you guys from INDIA
- Hi guys there is another way that you did not discuss & that is enabling the livestock directly harvest the fodder crop
- You guys do such a great job. Their is a seed outfit near me in Princeton IL I think you may be connected to.

Anyways, “what goes up, must come down.” Can’t rewrite the laws of physics. The more you take out of the field, the more you need to put back in. I take a little silage for my own use, but if I were to sell any, I’d have to get the full value of the predicted grain yield, and a price per ton based on a percentage of the value of organic hay. Probably never going to get any takers on that offer.