Combating the global food crisis: Diazotroph Bacteria as a Cereal Crop Growth Promoter{

This is a quick summary that explains our project story from beginning to end. In our project we investigated the use of diazotroph bacteria as a cereal crop germination and growth aid. Using naturally occurring Rhizobium strains of the Diazotroph bacteria family, we carried out an extensive stud.

Combating the global food crisis: Diazotroph Bacteria as a Cereal Crop Growth Promoter

- Fix that nitrogen
- what kind of bacterial solution did you guys use? was it 100% the bacteria or did you guys mix in anything else?
Jak dla mnie dość ciekawe, - chwila czasu ale warto. - Greetings,
I came across the video on your work as I begin planning for next year's growing season. I'm a small veggie/strawberry producer in Central Maine, U.S. - Full Fork Farm. If you're willing, I'm interested in reading over your data/conclusions, to think about how to best incorporate your findings into my current inoculant/cover crop program.

All the best,
- Grewat work girl! A big step towards food security! appreciate that
- This is FANTASTIC work by you girls! I am so impressed... Not just by what you have accomplished, but that you cared enough to get involved in such an important issue as world hunger. I have shared your story with my Grand Daughter who is 9 years old in the hope that you will inspire her. Thank you for caring, sharing, and for your dedication & hard work. You should all get scholarships! I'm certain we will hear more from you three in the years to come.
- I would try to re record this in a higher volume. It is hard to hear.  You 3 are doing something amazing and the whole world can be changed by your ability to care the way you do.  I would love to see and "hear" more.. I loved your story.. Amazing girls.
- Sad thing is Global Food Crisis is not a purely scientifical problem. It's a political and economical problem between helping small farmers growth and big companies control. Bill Gates is working on this with his nonprofits but still doubt it would help much. Complex issue.
- Nice job
- muy bien hecho chicas
por personas como ustedes es que no se pierden las esperanzas en la humanidad
- Bravo Ladies!  :)
- Hay estudios con otra bacterias desde 1992, que promueven de la misma forma el crecimiento, no quiero sonar como aguafiestas Per. En Science Direct estas numerosos artículos.
- holy SHOOT this is so freaking amazing. these girls are inspirations.
- Wow - super impressive!!! Keep kicking a$$, ladies - you're going to be game changers in our world!
- Great job !!! 
- Go, you three! I'm amazed at the entire project, and glad you won the Google Science Fair.

May you each go far--and if you three become a team in the "professional world", watch out world!
- I cannot hear this.  Please fix it so we can hear it.
- Three 16-year-old girls win Google's global science competition with breakthrough project. Congratulation to three of you. (video souding is too low)
- Monsanto is coming for them, watch your back kids wear Kevlar
- Wow, fantastic work, ladies!
- Impressive